• At All Saints our aim is for our children to leave our school with curiosity and fascination about the world and its people.
• Through our broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum we want to ensure the progressive development of knowledge and skills and geographical concepts that will enable our children to have a love for Geography.
• Teaching of Geography at All Saints centres around our beautiful, local area of Tilford which enables children to understand their unique and special local communities - this in turn develops a greater understanding of the wider world and the ways others
• At All Saints our geography curriculum is well planned and meets the national curriculum objects.
• Discussions and thoughtful questioning during geography lessons enables children to share and consolidate their knowledge and engage pupils with the geographical skills being learnt.
• Children at All Saints have many visits to local areas of outstanding beauty. During their time at All Saints the children carry out fieldwork in the local woodland during their termly Forest School sessions and observe the natural world and features of this area.
• Children at All Saints become very familiar with our village and the children will have visits to Tilford bridge, the local church and the small village shop. This enables the children to understand their local geography and how a small village
setting compares to other locations in the UK.
• Children in Year 2 have the opportunity to form pen pal friendships with a Year 2 class in London. The children visit each other’s school and this gives our children a real-life experience of a city school and how different their local geography is.
• During fieldwork children encounter the geographical concepts learnt in school first hand and they are able to connect their learning in the classroom with the complexity of the real world. Children at All Saints observe the environment during their visits and this helps immerse them into a subject that is relevant to them.
• At the end of each year, children have gained a deepening understanding of core geographical skills.
• Children talk enthusiastically about their geography lessons and show a genuine curiosity and interest in the areas they have explored.
• Children have a sound understanding of location and are able to compare and make links between these.
• Children use acquired vocabulary to interpret and convey their understanding of the world.
• Children are able to demonstrate their knowledge through pupil discussion, evidence in their books and assessment against planned learning outcomes.
Geography Progression of Skills and Knowledge Chronological Order