All Saints Church of England (VA) Infant School

All Saints Church of England (VA) Infant School

Love to Learn and Learn to Love

Welcome to

All Saints Church of England (VA) Infant School

  1. About Us
  2. Parents information
  3. FAQs


When your child starts a new school there is always so much for parents to find out.  Every school has their own routines and traditions that makes them special. We have put together a few of the most common questions and answers. 

What time does school start and finish? 

The school day begins at 8:40 am however children are able to arrive at school from 8:30am where they will have an opportunity to lead their own learning and to choose an activity to do.  This helps them settle back into school and re-establish friendship groups.  Please note Early Years parents may go into class with their children at 8:40.

8:30        Gates open

8:40        Register

15:10      End of school    

The school office is open from 8:30am until 3:30pm.  The front gate to the school grounds will be open from 7:15am to 9:10am and from 2:50pm until after clubs finish.  At any other time, you will need to buzz the office to gain access. 

The total school hours per week are 32.5 hours

What if I am late?

At 8:40am the gate to the classrooms will be locked and children must be brought in through the office and signed in on the Pupil Attendance register.  Children will then go through on their own to their class.  If you arrive after 9:10am the front gate to the playground will be locked and you will need to buzz through to the school office to gain access to the school site.

What if I can't come to school? 

Children are expected to attend school every day unless they are unwell.  In a typical year there are more days when we are not at school than we are, so families have plenty of opportunities to arrange holidays and special days in school holidays.  If your child is ill you must inform the school daily as soon as you can and by 9.30am latest, either by phone or email.  Any requests for an absence except illness must be made to the Headteacher by filling out a request form, obtained from the school office or on the website and may be followed up by an appointment with the headteacher.  Medical/dental appointments should be made after school or in holiday time wherever possible.  Our full attendance policy can be read on the website.


Do you have any clubs before and after school? 

The clubs we offer are run by outside agencies and are charged for.  The link to our clubs page is here

 If you have difficulty with funding these activities then please speak to the Headteacher.  Prospective clubs on offer for 2025:


Monday:              Musical Theatre 3:10-4:30pm and Fun Science 3:10 - 4:10pm

Tuesday:              French Breakfast Club  8-8:45am; Cookie Club 3:10-4:40pm

Wednesday:         Artventurers 3:10-4:10pm 

Thursday:            Boogie Pumps 3:10-4:10pm

Friday:                Football 3:10 - 4:30pm



We run a breakfast club between 7:40-8:40am and a after school club between 3:10-6pm. Full details are on their website and here.

Clubs are available to children in all years throughout the academic year and are booked directly with the club provider.  Details of clubs are sent out to parents at the start of each term. 


Can my child have medicine in school?

If a child requires regular medication (e.g. asthma inhaler) or needs to complete a course of prescribed medicine, we are able to supervise their administration. Please hand in all medicines at the school office where you will be asked to complete a medicine form.  Please ensure that all medicines are in their original containers, clearly labelled with the child’s name and dosage.  We regret we are unable to administer non-prescribed medication, apart from paracetamol or cetirizine (antihistamine) without parental consent.


Will my child receive lunch? 

Since September 2014 all pupils aged 4-7 are entitled to a free school meal under the Universal Infant Free School Meals initiative.  At All Saints all meals are cooked on site and most of our pupils have a hot school lunch.  Children in YR and Y1 have their lunch first at 12:00pm and Y2 follow at 12:30pm.  You may choose for your child to have a packed lunch from home but this must be on a regular daily basis and cannot be interspersed with hot school meals.  We require a week’s notice to change from one regime to the other please.  Children with a packed lunch eat alongside the hot lunch children. If you are sending a packed lunch, please ensure that the food and drink is carried in an appropriate container and is marked with your child’s name. Kindly note that we encourage healthy eating and fizzy drinks and sweets are not permitted.  No nuts or nut products in school please for the safety of children with allergies.


Please contact the office if you have any other questions or queries. 

All belonging under the umbrella of God's love, we enable children to flourish in His beautiful world as we love one another, persevere in learning and experience joy.