Our Governors
Mrs Ann Marise Tann - Chair Foundation Diocese I have been a school governor for about 30 years, first as a teacher and deputy head, where I was the staff representative and then as headteacher of a local primary school. I have been associated with All Saints for about 15 years working with colleagues and, since my retirement, I feel privileged to continue that association as a governor. I am passionate about getting the best outcomes for the children in our care, both academically and pastorally to develop confident, happy and well rounded children. |
Mrs Ann Joy Gunn Foundation Diocese Having spent her career in Primary Education, Ann brings a huge wealth of experience to the Governing Body. She has been a governor in a variety of primary schools for 20 years, and retired from school headship in 2019, taking up the mantle of Local Authority Governor at All Saints in 2020. She is keen to positively contribute to school life as we look ahead to future opportunities, and to support All Saints’ staff in continuing to provide the very best education for each child. |
Mrs Brigid Anne Walters Headteacher I live locally with my family in Farnham. Professionally I have amassed seventeen years of teaching in Early Years, Key Stage 1 and 2 in a range of schools. Prior to joining All Saints I was a successful year leader in a Surrey Primary School for 6 years. I am passionate about children’s education. |
Mrs Jayne Olivia Griffiths Parent My name is Jayne Griffiths. My eldest son has just left All Saints and my other son is currently in Year 2. I have a 3 year old daughter also. I worked as a teacher for ten years before taking a break after having my daughter. I am very excited to be a part of the governing body at All Saints. |
Mr Ross Trevor Alexander Sadler Foundation Governor |
Reverand Benjamin Cahill-Nichols Ex Officio Ben has been parish priest of All Saints Tilford since June 2024. He combines this ministry with his role as Chief Executive of Clergy Support Trust, the largest and oldest charity supporting Anglican ministers and their families, since 2020. In 2023, the Trust helped more a fifth of Church of England priests, and scores of others in Wales, Scotland and Ireland, with their financial, mental and physical wellbeing. After studying Music at Cambridge University, Ben began his career in the civil service, and was an adviser to both the Laming Report and the House of Commons Education Committee. He subsequently held senior posts in the education sector, including at Newham College and Charterhouse School, and in corporate philanthropy. Following three years’ formation at St Augustine’s College, Ben was ordained in 2021, and previously served as curate at Holy Trinity with St Mary's in Guildford. Ben has been a trustee of several charities, including as founder-chair of the youth arts charity RicNic; is a Fellow of the Westminster Abbey Institute; and has been a governor of three Church of England schools. He lives with his wife, son, daughter and two cats in Tilford Vicarage, next door to the school.
Mrs Polly May Sedgwick Staff |
Olivia Margaret Babbington Parent Governor Photo to come My eldest is in Yr 1 at All Saints Sch and my daughter attends Tilford meadow nursery. I am really passionate about the school and part of the Tilford community so excited be part of the governor. I have worked at GSK (most recently Haleon after we divested our brands) for 14 yrs across numerous roles in Sales, Operations, Execution and most recently in marketing across oral health such as Sensodyne, Pain relief and currently Vitamins and Minerals, Centrum leading a team. |
Mrs Alice Louise Robinson Foundation PCC |
Mr Mark Robert Peachey Photo to come Foundation PCC
Governors who have left during the past 12 months:
Michael Harvey-Brown Foundation (PCC) 22.10.2021-07.03.2024
Louise Walters (staff) 02.03.2020 - 31.12.2023
Sara Cox (HT) 01.09.2020 - 30.08.2023
The School’s Governing Body’s key responsibilities are:
- To ensure clarity of vision, values and strategic direction of the school
- To hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
- To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent
Other duties include:
- Determining how the school's budget is spent
- The appointing and dismissing of staff
- Hearing appeals and grievances
- Forming policy on the school's curriculum and collective worship
- Setting standards for pupils' behaviour and discipline
- Making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe
- Setting and monitoring the school's aims and policies
Membership of the Governing Body
The Governing Body for All Saints is a group of 10 people made up of:
- 6 foundation governors (1 ex-officio), 2 nominated by the Diocese of Guildford and 3 nominated by the Tilford Parochial Church Council (TPCC))
- 2 parents elected by parents
- 0 member of staff elected by staff
- 1 head teacher
- 1 local authority representative of the local authority (nominated by Surrey County Council)
The Governing Body meets at least three times a year when, amongst other work, it considers the recommendations of its two major committees – Children & Standards and Resources.
The current composition of the Governing Body is as follows:
Foundation Governors (6)
Appointed by |
From |
To |
Ann Tann |
Diocese of Guildford |
03.11.23 |
02.11.27 reappointment |
Ann Gunn |
Diocese of Guildford |
29.09.21 |
28.09.25 |
Alice Robinson |
28.09.21 |
27.09.25 |
Jennifer Stearn |
25.07.23 |
24.07.27 reappointment |
Mark Peachey |
06.06.24 |
Ben Cahill-Nichols |
Ex Officio |
08.06.24 |
Parent Governors (2)
Elected by |
From |
To |
Jayne Griffiths |
School Parents |
13.10.26 |
Olivia Babbington |
School Parents |
20.10.23 |
19.10.27 |
Staff Governors (2)
Elected by |
From |
To |
Vacancy |
Staff |
Brigid Walters |
Ex-officio (as Headteacher) |
September 2023 |
N/A |
Local Authority Governor (1)
Nominated by |
From |
To |
Naseer Taheem |
05.07.2022 |
04.07.2026 |
Associate Members
There are currently no Associate Members, with specific expertise and experience, who have been appointed. Associate Members do not have voting rights on the Governing Body.
Specific Responsibilities
Chair of Governors – Ann Tann
Vice- Chair – Jennifer Stearn
Link Safeguarding – Ann Tann
Link Governor – Ann Gunn
Vulnerable Children – Ann Tann
Looked After Children - Ann Tann
SEN and Gifted and Talented Children - Ann Tann
Honorary Treasurer – Jennifer Stearn
Governors' Fund, Trust Fund and School House - Jennifer Stearn
PE and PP - Ann Tann
Building Development -
Health & Safety - Alice Robinson
The Curriculum - Alice Robinson
Religious Education - Ben Cahill-Nichols (Ex Officio)
EYFS - Ann Gunn
FOAS Link - Jennifer Stearn
Public Relations, Community Link - Naseer Taheem
Safer Recruitment - Brigid Walters, Ann Tann
Health & Well-being - Ann Tann
Staff & Well-being -
Membership of the Children & Standards Committee (clerked)
Ann Gunn (Chair)
Brigid Walters
Jayne Griffiths
Alice Robinson
Ann Tann
Ben Cahill-Nichols (Ex Officio)
Membership of the Resources Committee (clerked)
Jennifer Stearn (Chair)
Brigid Walters
Ann Tann
Naseer Taheem
Olivia Babbington
Membership of the Pay Review Committee (clerked)
Ann Tann (Chair)
Ann Gunn
Jennifer Stearn
Brigid Walters
Membership of the Head Teacher's Performance Management Panel
Ann Tann (Chair)
Ann Gunn
Ben Cahill-Nichols (Ex Officio)
Membership of the Admissions Committee (clerked)
Ann Tann (Chair)
Ann Gunn
Brigid Walters
Ben Cahill- Nichols (Ex Officio)
Membership of the Governance Committee (clerked)
Ann Tann (Chair)
Jennifer Stearn
Ann Gunn
SFVS Working Group
Jennifer Stearn
Pupil Discipline, Staff Disciplinary and Staff Disciplinary Appeal Committees are convened as required.
The Clerk to the Governing Body is
Jules Williams:
All belonging under the umbrella of God's love, we enable children to flourish in His beautiful world as we love one another, persevere in learning and experience joy.