Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
At All Saints we ensure that the needs of all children that can access mainstream school are met. Every child is a unique person and we pride ourselves on finding out what each child needs and putting the right provision in place. Brigid Walters is the Head teacher and also has the role of Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo). Mrs Walters manages the provision for our pupils with additional needs and liaises closely with the class teachers, SNA's and parents. Children often need extra support at times and we believe that by identifying need early and putting something in place they often make good progress and are ready for their move to the next school.
Our Special Needs Coordinator is Mrs Brigid Walters who can be contacted by phone or email head@allsaints-tilford.surrey.sch.uk
Please see https://www.surreylocaloffer.org.uk/kb5/surrey/localoffer/home.page for information about Surrey County Council Special Educational Needs family support.
SEND Information Report
A key document that schools have been asked to provide are answers to 14 questions that parents may wish to know about a school when considering which setting best suits the needs of their child.
An Introduction to Provision Maps
Click here to view the SEND Provision Maps
Provision at All Saints School
Please click on the links to see our provision
Cognition and Learning Provision
Physical and Sensory Provision
Please see our Policies page for our Special Educational Needs Policy
All belonging under the umbrella of God's love, we enable children to flourish in His beautiful world as we love one another, persevere in learning and experience joy.