Statutory Requirements
PSHE is a non-statutory subject. However, there are aspects of it that we are legally required to teach at All Saints:
- We must teach relationships education under the Children and Social Work Act 2017, in line with the terms set out in statutory guidance
- We must teach health education under the same statutory guidance
PSHE and the School Vision
Our PSHE education programme promotes our school vision and is underpinned by it. The PSHE programme also enables children to live out our school values of love, joy and perseverance, which are an expression of our vision.
We believe that through the teaching of PSHE, children should become healthier, more independent and more responsible members of society. At All Saints, we encourage our children to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community. For example, throughout the year, our children support a number of charities such as Children in Need, The Macmillan Trust and Sport Relief. In addition, we pride ourselves in supporting local members of the community such as Tilford Meadow Nursery, Tilford Parish Council, All Saints Church and Phyllis Tuckwell. By taking part in charitable and community events, we help children to develop their understanding of the needs of the world around them, thus supporting them to leave All Saints School as global citizens, who can thrive both academically and socially later in life in a diverse and multicultural society.
To effectively implement the PSHE policy, we follow the SCARF scheme, which uses a spiral curriculum that builds children’s knowledge and skills progressively. The scheme covers key themes such as: Me and My Relationships, Valuing Differences, Keeping Myself Safe, Rights and Responsibilities, Being My Best and Growing and Changing. The scheme is aligned with statutory guidelines. To ensure we go above and beyond the expectations of the National Curriculum, all children at All Saints participate in our 7x7 challenge, where children are expected to achieve seven challenges by the time they are seven. These challenges are:
1. I can greet a visitor, look them in the eyes and shake their hand.
2. I know how to say hello in 7 different languages.
3.I can serve my community.
4. I know my home address and a parent’s phone number.
5. I can run for 7 minutes without stopping.
6. I can recognise and name 7 birds, trees and flowers.
7.I can name 7 famous pieces of music and identify sounds of 7 musical instruments.
More information about the 7x7 initiative can be found on our school website on our 7x7 page.
To further understand their role in the community and the wider world, here at All Saints we are proud to showcase that we have an active School and Eco-Council as well as Well-Being Warriors. At the start of every academic year, the School and Eco-Council members are democratically elected. There are two members from each year group: one boy and one girl, who meet with the Headteacher each half term to discuss how we can improve the school further as well as how we can take care of our local environment and our planet to ensure its survival for future generations. At All Saints we are committed to helping children believe that they can become agents for change and become courageous advocates for the planet.
Our Well-Being Warriors promote positivity, kindness and emotional support within the school community. The Well-Being warriors are trained by the school mental health lead to support their peers during playtime. Pupils are trained to offer a listening ear to pupils who are feeling upset or worried and provide guidance on where to seek further support if necessary. Children in Year Two are chosen to be Well-Being Warriors. By the end of the year, all children in Year Two will have had the opportunity to take on this prestigious role.
At All Saints, we follow a healthy diet of worship and every Tuesday we have a mental health focus. Children are taught strategies for how to stay healthy and well both physically and mentally.
Every Monday in Collective Worship, the school follows content set by the Diocese of Guilford. At the end of each act of worship, children are encouraged to engage with the content by reflecting on the ‘big questions’ that have been discussed. Children can engage with activities in their reflective areas in their classrooms to consider what they have learnt, thus further embedding the learning.
After following the PSHE curriculum at All Saints, we endeavor to ensure that all pupils are:
- equipped with the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies required to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives
- encouraged to be enterprising
- supported in making effective transitions, positive learning and career choices, and in achieving economic wellbeing
- given opportunities to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes, and explore those of others around them
- supported in building their confidence, resilience and self-esteem
- able to identify and manage risk, make informed choices and understand what influences their decisions
- supported to recognise, accept and shape their identities, to understand and accommodate difference and change, to manage emotions and to communicate constructively in a variety of settings
- given the opportunity to develop an understanding of themselves, empathy and the ability to work with others
- supported to form and maintain good relationships, develop the essential skills for future employability and better enjoy and manage their lives
- are given the opportunity to develop core ‘life skills’ to encourage and support independence